The anti-pattern pattern

John Bocook
2 min readAug 27, 2016

An anti-pattern is a repeated action, process or structure that appears beneficial initially, but ultimately produces negitive consequences.

More than a just a bad practice. Anti-patterns masquerade as a solution while conceling the extensive damage its doing for years. Once these patters surface it’s often with catastrophic concenquences.

Organizational anti-patterns

  • Analysis paralysis: Devoting disproportionate effort to the analysis phase of a project
  • Design by committee: The result of having many contributors to a design, but no unifying vision
  • Matrix Management: Unfocused organizational structure that results in divided loyalties and lack of direction
  • Stovepipe or Silos: A structure that supports mostly up-down flow of data but inhibits cross organizational communication
  • Vendor lock-in: Making a system excessively dependent on an externally supplied component

Project Management anti-patterns

  • Groupthink: During groupthink, members of the group avoid promoting viewpoints outside the comfort zone of consensus thinking.
  • Software bloat: Allowing successive versions of a system to demand ever more resources
  • Waterfall model: An older method of software development that inadequately deals with unanticipated change

Software Design anti-patterns

  • Big ball of mud: A system with no recognizable structure
  • Database-as-IPC: Using a database as the message queue for routine interprocess communication where a much more lightweight mechanism would be suitable
  • Gold plating: Continuing to work on a task or project well past the point where extra effort fails to add value
  • Input kludge: Failing to specify and implement the handling of possibility of invalid input
  • Magic pushbutton: Coding implementation logic directly within interface code, without using abstraction
  • Stovepipe system: A barely maintainable assemblage of ill-related components

Programming anti-patterns

  • Accidental complexity: Introducing unnecessary complexity into a solution
  • Boat anchor: Retaining a part of a system that no longer has any use
  • Busy spin: Locking a page and consuming CPU while waiting for something to happen, usually waiting for a task to finish processing.
  • Error hiding: Catching an error message before it can be shown to the user and either showing nothing or showing a meaningless message
  • Hard code: Embedding assumptions about the environment of a system in its implementation
  • Lava flow: Retaining undesirable (redundant or low-quality) code because removing it is too expensive or has unpredictable consequences
  • Magic numbers: Including unexplained numbers in algorithms
  • Spaghetti code: Programs whose structure is barely comprehensible, especially when misuseing code structures

Methodological anti-patterns

  • Copy and paste programming: Copying (and modifying) existing code rather than creating reuseable solutions
  • Improbability factor: Assuming that it is improbable that a known error will occur
  • Not Invented Here (NIH) syndrome: The tendency towards reinventing the wheel (Failing to adopt an existing, adequate solution)
  • Tester Driven Development: Software projects in which new requirements are specified in bug reports



John Bocook

Driven by ADHD and passion. Developer turned CIO that still knows how to write code and deploy systems.